Sunday, September 20, 2015

Video Call - Parent musicians bonding over music with their children


Parents (parent musicians especially) playing and bonding over music with their children. 


"wraparound" is one of the most emotional songs I've ever written (says a lot, if you ever heard my music) 
After Eden was born I wrote about sharing my musical journey with her, teaching her to play piano in the first verse, playing with her in the second, and on the third having her continue and play without me. The chorus lyrics convey the solace I feel about music and what I wish for her to find in it as she grows up:

"And when you don't wanna talk to the world
when you're sad and you're feeling alone
just let the sound wrap around
and listen to the little song we wrote"

I want to find more parents who share this sentiment and are willing to send out a short footage of themselves to be featured in my video. I'd love to include your names, if possible. 

willing to share? amazing! please send your videos to

This will be amazing and so special, a million thanks for your help!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Guitar and Cello magic!

So actually the guitar and cello happened back in August, but a one woman operation can get stuck and so posts come late... (on the account of starting to teach)

The idea to have a cellist come in started in July as I was working at the BIMA summer program with a cello colleague. Once she became unavailable I had to find someone quick since I really tried to do all session work before school year began.
Lucky for me, I caught Jordan Proctor, my grad school colleague 2 weeks before he was moving out of the area. Jordan has that dual sensibility as me as a musician - he is a thoughtful and knowledgable classical musician with equal love and experience with rock (and a nice guy). He was a perfect fit.
Jordan brought instant understanding of the songs, and that classical preparation - every single note and phrase was cared for and expressed fully. It was quite special to hear the music come alive like that. Jordan's favorite was "regrets", a fast pace, all pizzicato jazz piece, which inspired me to revisit it again as a string quartet, but one project at a time...

Thank you Jordan!

My dear Andres was reluctant to go in the studio. He has been busy with academics and felt a little out of practice when it comes to studio creativity. We practiced at home but it didn't feel great.
When we got to the studio - everything just clicked. Andres came out with great and effortless parts that inspired me to add more to the production. His solos were killer - musical, cathartic and as usual, impressive. I'm so glad I dragged him to record with me, he added just what the record was missing - some edge, and that bluesy, rock vibe.

It was so nice to have the boys contribute, and once again working with Bob Sherwood during this process was encouraging and relaxing, quite unusual for the studio for me!

what's next? piano solo experimentation! stay tuned (pun intended, oh yes)